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THEMA: Trackmania nation RoC server points limit

Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 28 Okt 2013 10:56 #45278

  • lasdecoeur
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Hi everybody,

First, i'm sorry if i do mistakes in this message, i don't speak german (was hard to subscribe and come here ^^) and only few words in english.

I'm here to speak about your RoC server on Trackmania Nation (the first).

I play on this server this 2 months, and it's very cool, but i have a question (or a request).

On this server, the limit to win a race is 86 points, and the first for a round get 30.

So if he win 3 times, he can finish the race, but as you know (or as some people say) it's better to have 4 rounds (more points), so when this thing arrive, everytime (when he remember) , the best player must let someone else win the 3 round to not finish the race and go to the next, and it is little bit annoying.

During RoC yesterday, like every sundays, all of players where annoyed of this "problem", so i'm here just to ask if it's possible go up the limit for exemple to 91 ?

I don't now if you can do that cause it's a RoC server, or cause maybe you don't want and i will understand that, but i'm just here to know if change the game mode, to force the race to has at least 4 rounds is possible ?

It will be good for players and for the competition, because let someone win make little injustice for the final result...

PS: If i'm here to ask that, it's really because we all think that is a problem, not just me :).

Thank you guys for reading this message :).


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Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 28 Okt 2013 11:03 #45279

  • -|MfG|-RIPPER
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Hi Lasdecoeur,

thank you for your interest in our server and taking part. Am sure one of our trakmania guys will respond this evening after work.

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Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 28 Okt 2013 11:43 #45280

  • -|MfG|-Big Al
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Hey lasdecoeur,
i think we will raise the limit to 91 points. Thx for your effort to sign up here :)
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Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 28 Okt 2013 13:43 #45282

  • -|MfG|-Big Al
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Okay i just raised the limit to 91, feel free to test it. I don´t have TMN installed anymore.
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Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 28 Okt 2013 14:12 #45283

  • lasdecoeur
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It works well :) Thank you, i will come back after the next RoC session to tell if it's better for players, but i'm sure it will be :).
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Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 03 Nov 2013 20:51 #45342

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Hey guys =)
Thanks lasdecoeur for request ^^ and sorry for beeing the reason :D
For all, i think its better with this solution! Very enjoyable not to care that the race could stop in 3 rounds.
Works great.

Big Al: schade keine alten gesichter mehr auf dem server zu sehen :/

MfG Doomser
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Trackmania nation RoC server points limit 03 Nov 2013 21:30 #45343

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Nice to hear :dhoch:
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